Cabin Creek Cookies
Website: 6650 State Route 55
After working for twenty years in Centerville, Ohio and driving 100 miles a day back and forth to work every day, I decided to make a life changing decision for myself and family. I retired to do the things in life i love and care for my aging parents. I love my parents, which I am so blessed to still have. They are 92 and 88. Most of the time they are still full of spunk and advice.
We live in a log cabin, surrounded by woods, cattle, horses and buffalo. All I need now are the mountains and I would be in Heaven! One of my other passions is baking. I have loved to bake since I was a little girl. Mind you, I’m not a fancy baker, I’m a down home taste good baker. I love to try all kinds of new recipes, but I also like the originals too! I love to bake all kinds of cookies, cinnamon rolls, loaf cakes, you name it, but my favorite is cookies!
I’ve thought for a while I’d love to share my baking with everyone as a business. A cookie, a brownie, any baked good is a happy gesture and I love to make people happy! Here’s to a great smile!
Also, if you would have a request for me to make, I would be glad too!