The Weblog

The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:

Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!

View the Complete Weblog

Cruel Summer

It’s a cruel, cruel summer…
Leaving me here on my own…
It’s a cruel, cruel summer…
Now you’ve gone…
(Bananarama – Cruel Summer)

So, yes…cruel summer…the song, the memory, the heartbreak:)

Once upon a time, your hippie market manager was a product of the 80s. I loved club music, the club scene, the club kids. I WAS a club kid. On summer breaks from college, I worked in fashion jobs, I was a mall rat, I ran ad copy at the local newspaper,I ran drinks at a little local pub, I was a mover and shaker on the downtown local scene both in the West End, and the East End. All fun, all profitable, all filled my summer days.

I was the girl who just skipped through life on a whim and a song. I had a boy. I thought he was my world. I entered a club, one summer night. I heard the DJ get a song request, it was Cruel Summer, it was from a never before seen girl, she was smirking, the boy was there, and my name was dedicated to this song. As a break up song. Yes, someone actually broke up with me, via a DJ, with a song.

Did it get me down? Well, after I suffered a full 5 minutes of humiliation, I did what any respectable club girl would do. I smiled, I found my people, we laughed, we dissed, I put on my lip gloss, we ordered a round of whatever we were drinking,(it was the early 80s, we were very of age back then), and we plotted. And, the cruel summer became one of epic urban legend. We still talk about it. People all over still talk about it. We made it our summer. The cruelness of it was that I was hurt for just a second, and then dusted myself off, got ready for the next boy of summer, and had myself a ball.

So…what does this little tale have in common with our little local market of love?

We are about to feel the cruelness of the first wave of summer. We bid a sad farewell to asparagus season. Beth will not have asparagus listed on the market BUT, just like in her first week of the season, she will be set up in the Y lobby, at market pick up, next Thursday, with very limited quantities. Come early, bring cash, escape the cruelness with the last of the season’s asparagus!!

Breaking up is hard to do…and so, we see this, as we need to break up with the strawberries of the season. The Berry Patch is on the market for just ONE more week! Make it your summer love fling. Your summer love fest…whatever you call it, don’t be cruel…order your strawberries!!

And, as we are breaking up with our seasonal food romances, we are also saying hello to our other produce vendors who are rejoining OR joining for the first time!!!

As we mend our seasonal broken hearts, we fall in love with the next seasonal items…

It’s only a cruel summer if you let it be one…say goodbye, order for the last time of the season, dust yourself off, and say hello to your new seasonal love…

We’ve got it all, we fill it all with love, we would never be so cruel as to break up without a back up:)

I am opening the market for the week…think about what you need, think about the seasonal items, think about showing us some cruel summer love…

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam