The Weblog

The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:

Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!

View the Complete Weblog

Matters Of The Heart

This month is all about the love, being in love, showing people how much you love them, (ALTHOUGH, it would be super groovy if EVERYDAY was a love fest to EVERYONE), but since we are approaching this Valentine weekend of love, let’s take a minute to love us, love our health, and spend some love time with a few matters of the heart…

Charlene from Swisher Hill Herbs has a very heartfelt blurb and product that is just now on the market!!

Thanks, always, Charlene and Joe!!

The first of this year the CDC and FDA came out with new salt consumption guidelines for the general public. They recommend 1 teaspoon of salt a day. This is not an impossible lifestyle change to achieve, especially thinking of our children and future generations. But we know cutting back on salt results in some foods being blah and lacking flavor. Thus you reach for the Salt.
Wait for it! Wait for it! Now we are coming to it. Seasoning with herbs and spices are here to save the day Swisher Hill herbs is on the way! As you know all of all of our products are salt free. This week we are introducing All-Season Salt Substitute to the Virtual market. As with all of our herbs, spices and seasoning blends, we offer you Save a Jar! Save Money! Refill bags for your jars when you run low. Check it out!