The Weblog

The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:

Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!

View the Complete Weblog

Hello, February, Hello, Love...Market Love

Happy Sunday, everyone!!

Well, so far, we are now into the month of February, the ground hog has told us it will be an early spring, it’s Super Bowl Sunday, and it’s also an excellent day to get your market orders on the groove line!

I’m drinking coffee, listening to tunes, and one of my favorite Elvis Costello songs popped on. One of the lines of the song was perfect for our month of love…

“I’m not going to get too sentimental
Like those other sticky valentines…”
Elvis Costello-Alison

While we love celebrating this month of love, we like to think that every month, every week, is like getting a local dose of love when you order from us!

Since reopening the market for the new year, you, the customers have been throwing that love, our way, and we are so very grateful!! We are adding more and more new customers, saying hello to returning customers, and seeing all of our loyal weekly customers, continuing the market way of life!

Keep it coming, love…Keep it coming…

Cosmic Pam