The Weblog

The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:

Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!

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Hello, Old Friend

As I am strolling down the garden path,
I saw a flower glowing in the dark.
It looked so pretty and it was unique;
I had to bend down just to have a peek.
Hello old friend,
It’s really good to see you once again.
Hello old friend,
It’s really good to see you once again.
(Hello, Old Friend-Eric Clapton)

Well, well, well…we have now welcomed back Blue Jacket Dairy with their cheeses, and, now, we say hello to the return of everyone’s favorite garlic duo/spice masters, JC Growers!!

Carla and Jenny are the hardworking gals of the garlic farm, and Carla and I hail way back to the early days of farmers’ markets, where we both got our launch, years and years ago.

We were both in the trenches, on our soapboxes, fighting for local, fighting to tell people to know their food, and fighting the good fight to keep farmers’ markets legit, to not allow unknown produce, auction produce into the arena…making us both popular, and unpopular in the early days.

We co-managed the Mechanicsburg market, for years, and we have both been working hard, working our crafts, working our gigs, and going in our own directions, our own paths, since those early days of markets…

So, with much love and admiration, I welcome them back to the market, and hope that you will show them the same love, as well as all of our vendors..

Happy Sunday, lovely customers…you have already broken another record, let’s see how high we fly, this week…

Cosmic Pam
Your Hippie