The Weblog
The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:
Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!
Rainy Days and Mondays
…always get me down…
(The Carpenters)
So, on this rainy holiday weekend, although it put a damper on my usual backyard Labor Day weekend campout, it’s let me catch up on some much needed rest, reading, taking a break from social media, chatting with friends, and generally just being lazy.
But, here we are on this Monday, and I wanted to remind you that the market closes, tomorrow, at 8am…
AND…we welcome back Sarah Doty of S&S Naturals, after her very busy season away from the market!! She has restocked all of her Elderberry products, and all of her other loveliness!!
Also…JC Growers has added their dried tomato powder back to the market in their spice line!!
We’ve got it all, and love bringing it to you, each and every week!!
Cosmic Pam
Welcome Home!
Another Thursday night of market order pick ups in the books!!
How delightful it was to chat with all of you, this evening!! Such a fun time when I can be hands on to hear about each of you!
The market is once again, open for orders!!
Take a look at all we have to offer!
And, I hope that you feel just like you are arriving home, to a place of love, when you order from this little local market!
Cosmic Pam
Do you remember
The 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away
Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing
As we danced in the night, remember
How the stars stole the night away, oh yeah…
(Earth, Wind & Fire)
Well, here we are, kit kats…ushering in a beautiful day in September! Didn’t it just feel like we were welcoming May??
Anyway, it’s market pick up day, and if you are new, this week, pick up is between 4pm-6pm, this evening, at the farm! If you need a Friday morning pick up, you can let me know! That pick up is between 10am-12pm!
Or, Saturday, 10am-4pm!
Payment can be made by calling me with a card number, cash, with your name, OR a check, made out to Oakview Farm Meats.
Let’s get this September party started, shall we??
Ba-dee-ya, dancing in September
Ba-dee-ya, golden dreams were shiny days…
Cosmic Pam
Tuesday Reminder!
Good morning!! It’s Tuesday, and the market will close for weekly orders, this morning, at 8am!
Don’t forget to order all the local magic!!
Also, we are headed into a long, holiday weekend, so make sure to plan your menu with the market!!
Cosmic Pam
Monday, already!
That’s right market lovelies…it’s here again. The day of the week that will set your tone for the days ahead!
You can determine if it’s going to be manic or mellow…and, to help you get all mellowed out with it all, we are here to take your orders for the week!
And, the bonus? You get to end your Thursday with our smiling faces, bringing the goods to your car, sending you on your way with nothing but good vibes…
Go ahead, today’s the day! Make it a Mellow Monday…
Cosmic Pam
Just Can’t Get Enough
And I just can’t get enough
And I just can’t get enough..
(Depeche Mode-1981)
As we slide into these last days of August, I’m groovin’ out, as I grooved into the month, with an all 80s playlist!
With my 40th high school reunion, an 80s best friend lake house vacation, and a reconnection with of my 80’s pals, I’ve been spinning the old club tunes of my early 80s days.
And, well, I really just can’t get enough of all of you, and of this market!
I loved being back in action, tonight!
I am opening the market, for the week of ordering, and hoping that you have the grooviest of weekends!
Cosmic Pam
Tuesday Reminder!
Good morning, lovelies!!
It’s just me, with my wake up call, your market reminder that we will close the market at 8am, this morning, for weekly orders…
You still have time to grab all of the seasonal/market goodness!!
Cosmic Pam
The Monday Mania
Good morning!! Greetings from your market manager who has now returned from her vacations, ready to take the week by storm!
I’m hoping that you, also, are ready to charge into the week, and ready to make things easy, tasty, and fun, by letting this little local market do all of the work for you!
I know that after returning, I need to place a HUGE order!! I need all the fresh flowers to put in my vases…I mean, I just can’t have my house minus florals! I need all the candles, as well! To me, each room comes alive with the soft glow of candles!
I need eggs! I need the seasonal items, that I know won’t be around for much longer!! I need the local meats, and, totally in need of different varieties of lettuce!!!
That’s just my own list of needs…think about your own list, and how it helps to keep your week, on track!!
I’m off to place my order…are you following me?
Cosmic Pam
Greetings From Florida!
Hello!! And, wow, what a crazy summer it’s been for me, with catering events, a big girlfriend event at my house, my high school reunion, and now my vacation!
But, the good news is I will be back, next week, along with Hippie and the Farmer!!
So, I am happy to be back, happy to run the market, and happy to bake for you! Also, I added two varieties of my mini baked doughnuts!!
Ok, let’s go!!
Cosmic Pam
It’s Thursday!!
And, along with it being market pick up, it’s also another chance to get fresh peaches and sweet corn, from the Champaign Berry Farm, 4pm-6pm, located in the drive thru area of the market!
Even if you didn’t place an order, you can still come out to get your sweet corn and peaches!
Cosmic Pam