The Weblog

The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:

Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!

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Tick Tock

The minutes are ticking away!

The market closes at 6am, in the morning!

Don’t let time slip by…

Cosmic Pam

Ramble On

Leaves are falling all around
It’s time I was on my way
Thanks to you, I’m much obliged
For such a pleasant stay
But now it’s time for me to go
The autumn moon lights my way
And I smell the rain and with it, came
And it’s headed my way
Oh, sometimes I grow so tired
But I know I’ve got one thing I got to do
Ramble on and now’s the time, the time is now…

Listening to a little Led Zeppelin, this morning, thinking about this market, this point in the summer season, and how gradual changes are coming on like the position of the sun, the length of the shadows, the shades of the trees, the way the wind blows, the slight duskiness of the garden rows…all beautiful, but all reminders that we are in late summer. That bittersweet time before the days of fall come to meet us, taking us off on the colorful season that offers us so much in a different growing season, but sad to see the browning of the strawberry leaves, and the crispness that is taking over the lush green of early June…

But, we continue to ramble on, sing our song, and thankful for all that our gardens, fields, producers all have to offer us, and this market.

It’s Sunday, feels like a sort of lazy start to the day, and what better way to get into the swing of the week, than to get your orders in?

Mine’s a tale that can’t be told
My freedom I hold dear
How years ago in days of old
When magic filled the air…

Cosmic Pam

And, We’ve Got To Get Ourselves...

…Back To The Garden…

By the time we got to Woodstock…

Yes, this is the 50th anniversary of the mother of all music festivals…

Over the next few days, listen to the music, celebrate, and take in all of the past culture!

Then, get back to us, the gardeners of your soul, and give us your orders…

Peace, Love, and this little market of love…

Cosmic Pam

Today’s Market

Today’s market will be a self serve event!

Both of your market managers are busy getting ready for events!

I will set the market up with an order form, for each customer! Just look down your form, and grab your items from the fridge/freezer!

The other items will be on top of your forms!

Thank you for being great customers!

Cosmic Pam

Last call

This is Mark. We are still busy in the kitchen tonight. Pam wanted me to remind everyone to get their orders in. The market closes at 6:00 AM tomorrow. Don’t miss out on the produce selection,the season for fresh produce will be over soon.

Crazy Love

And when I’m returning from so far away
She gives me some sweet lovin’ brighten up my day
Yes it makes me righteous, yes it makes me feel whole
Yes it makes me mellow down in to my soul…

This market, the love I feel for this market, the love I feel just being your market manager!

Today was a crazy love day at our market, as we welcomed a last minute interview with Renee Wilde of WYSO! All customers, a few vendors, Y staff, Pail, and your managers, all got sound bites! All perfect for more publicity!!

Show us some crazy love, this week!!

Cosmic Pam

Our Amazing Market!

Sometimes you need to quit the mediocre things to experience the amazing…

I read this quote, the other day, and I immediately thought of our little market. I thought of some of the big box stores, and how shopping can be so impersonal, so bland, so mundane. And, then I thought of our vibrant, friendly, loaded with good things market, and how amazing each week is with both customers, and vendors, and it just made me smile…

Get a taste of the amazing, and get your orders in…

AND…Champaign Berry has added BLACKBERRIES!!!! Again, seasonal items, just like some of the produce items that have already come and gone, are not with us for long, and won’t be back until next growing season, so take advantage!!!

And, while you are getting your orders in, and enjoying our Champaign County fair, think of more ways to exit the mediocre, and enter the amazing…

Cosmic Pam

Local Groove

This is the one week that local really takes front and center!

Tomorrow, the Champaign County Fair opens for the season, shining the light on all of our local pride!

Go out, this week, to support the fair, and this great community, while celebrating what it means to be totally local!

The market is open, we know you are busy, but let us put the ease into your week!

Cosmic Pam

Tuesday Love

Happy day, little local market of love customers…

It’s a bit dreary, this morning, but we can help put the sunshine feels into your morning by offering you all the products of our market.

Now is when you will want to take advantage of all the seasonal produce, from the various vendors, while it’s here, in season, from your local stomping ground.

Also…a few notes…ELM Tree Essentials soaps are in vacation mode while they work on replenishing product!

Homecomer ORGANICS dried herb mixes will be back…she is also busy trying to regroup, and get product replenished!

Go ahead…take a dreary morning, and make it the sunshine spot of your day by getting your orders in!

Cosmic Pam

Thursday Love

Welcome back to the little local market of love, making all of your ordering dreams come true!

The market is now open for the week!

Cosmic Pam