The Weblog

The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:

Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!

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Going Up The Country

I’m gonna leave this city, got to get away….
(Canned Heat)

Don’t you feel like this lyric, on Thursdays, when you drive out to the farm to get your lovely weekly orders of market love?

This song always makes me think of summer, of growing up in the West End and exploring all that summer adventures had to offer with my little band of pals.

And, it always gives me such a calming feeling with the intro to this tune. Just a fun beat…

Happy Monday, lovely customers. The market is crazy with all of the produce orders, and that makes me beyond excited to see all of the beauty of locally grown produce adorning the market site!

Kingdom Fish was beautiful produce along with their tilapia!

JC Growers have their seasonal garlic bouquets!!!! YAY!! Start purchasing, for now, and for the winter months!!!

Also…we will wait to see if there are berries, this week, from Champaign Berry, after their busy weekend of being open for picking!!

You have until tomorrow, to indulge in the very short season of locally grown produce!!

Have a happy Monday, and remember to keep that song in your heart!

Cosmic Pam

Happy Thursday!

Another Thursday at the market!

Thank you for being so prompt with today’s pickup, and, for the Friday pick up gang, I will see you, in the morning!

I had to do a big cleaning of the outdoor kitchen, today, after a few weeks of events, at the farm, and missed seeing your smiling faces!

I am in vacation mode with my products, this time! Wedding catering begins for a wedding, next week, and I need to focus on that!

Love to you all!

Cosmic Pam

In The Summertime

When the weather’s fine
We go fishin’ or go swimmin’ in the sea
We’re always happy
Life’s for livin’ yeah, that’s our philosophy…
(Mungo Jerry)

Hello, lovely market customers!!

Here’s hoping that you had a lovely holiday, yesterday, and if it extends into today, I hope you have a lovely one!

Your market manager had a busy one, and ended it, yesterday evening, with the first country cruise of the season, in my convertible, and this random 70s playlist cd was in the car, so I popped it in, and this song was playing…perfect for a warm summer evening, celebrating the July 4th experience!

So, now that you have this song rattling around in your head, take some time to get your market orders in! The holiday weekend gets away, and on Tuesday morning, you don’t want to be left all sad, and blue, because you forgot…

Cosmic Pam

Welcome Back!

It’s Thursday, we just completed another week of pick ups, and now I am opening the market fun, again!

All the local goods you could ever need, right here!

Cosmic Pam

Market Pick Up!

Just a reminder that if you ordered, this week, tonight is pick up, between 4-6pm!

If you made Friday arrangements, we will see you in the morning, 10am-12pm!

Cosmic Pam

Tuesday Reminder!

Just a quick reminder to get your orders in by 8am, this morning!

I have not done much market blogging, over the weekend, because I was busy getting ready to film a local cooking segment with Hippie and the Farmer, and Cosmic Charlie! Your other market manager featured Oakview Farm Meats, and then this lovely little market was super heavily featured!

It was a crazy day, and now, it’s my reminder to order!

Cosmic Pam

Happy Sunshine Saturday!

The sun is streaming in, I’m having a bit of a lazy morning before I need to go bake a bit, for special orders, and I just wanted to send a big dose of weekend love your way!

Also, if you are thinking ahead to the holiday weekend, next weekend, you may want to think about all of the amazing local items that you can order, right here, to help you with your celebrations, or just your kick back/easy holiday plans.

It will be a busy weekend, with excitement on the horizon, so why fight the crowds at the big box stores, when you can just drive up on Thursday, while we load your car with the best, the freshest, the products are truly locally grown…

Cosmic Pam

Love Vibes

All the love, all the time!

The market opens, tonight, with nothing but love!

It was an amazing market, tonight, and it was lovely to be back with all of you!

Get ready to order all of the market goodness!

Cosmic Pam

Tuesday Love Note

Just your usual Tuesday Love Note to remind you that if you still have not ordered, now would be the time…

The market closes for weekly orders at 8am, this morning!

It’s a crazy, happenin’ market, and you don’t want to miss out on the fun…

Cosmic Pam

Looks Like Rain

Well, it looks like rain, and it feels like rain…
Oh it surely looks like rain…
(Grateful Dead)

Happy Monday…and, your manager is back from the Farm Elegance Dinner, Friday night, and ready for market action!

I just can’t tell what the weather is going to end up doing, today, but right now, it surely does look like rain, and this song has been rambling around in my head.

Have you placed your orders for the week? Did you have a lovely weekend? A lovely Father’s Day? I hope everyone got to enjoy moments of peace, love, and happiness.

This week, we see ChrisMis Farms on vacation, while we welcome a new vendor…Baked Batter!

Let’s get the market rolling into today, Monday, before we close orders, for the week, tomorrow morning at 8am!

Cosmic Pam