The Weblog
The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:
Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!
Champaign Berry!
Tis the season, and we welcome the raspberry season!
Champaign Berry Farm just added red raspberries to the market!
Take advantage of this short season!
Cosmic Pam
And, We’re Back!
Happy Thursday, a huge thank you to Carla for taking my place, tonight, and now that market reopens for another week of fun!!
I will write more after tomorrow night’s soirée!
Cosmic Pam
Thursday Note!
Good morning, lovely market customers!
Just a quick reminder that today is your market order pick up, between 4pm-6pm!
If you need a Friday pick up, we are there between 10am-12pm, only!
And, if you need to pick up on Saturday, we are there from 10am-4pm!!
Please let me know if you are planning to pick up on the alternate days, and not this evening!
We welcome another round of new customers, this week!! Welcome to the market!! Pick up is easy!! You will just be pulling into the circular drive, and we bring your order to your car!
If paying by card, you can call me, ahead of time, with your card information!! I super helps the line if you are not giving me your card, in the pick up line!!
If paying by check, please make it out to Oakview Farm Meats, and if paying by cash, PLEASE have exact amounts, in a ziplock bag, with your name!!
Once again, we thank you for continuing this lovely outpour of support, each week, for our market!!
*Tonight, you will have a guest vendor, Carla, of JCGrowers, helping Mark with orders!! I will be tucked away, working on food prep for tomorrow!!
I will be back on the market, when I open it up, this evening, for ordering!
Cosmic Pam
Gonna hitchhike to the yellow moon…
(Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers)
Happy Monday, market customers!
I’ve been a bit MIA, this past weekend, as I have been doing so much behind the scenes work, leading up to dinner on the farm with Hippie and the Farmer, in conjunction with the Roadfish Bicycle group/Pan Ohio/and The American Cancer Society.
Lots of expansion projects, updates, painting, staining, organization, etc…
Anyway, as you know, this is why all of my products, as well as Hippie and the Farmer products are on vacation mode, but you still have so very much to choose from!! So, don’t forget to order all that we have to offer!!
Last night, once I got home, cleaned up, and got dinner prep underway, I took a glass of wine down to one of my hammock swing chairs, for perfect viewing of the sunset, and then the most amazing crescent moon.
I love ending my days in one of the swings. And, as I swing, I remember growing up, in the West End, of my hometown, and riding my bike to my grandparents. Long time customers know my love of where I grew up, and of my grandparents who many times acted as my parents, and lived up the street, and around the corner.
My grandfather had built the most amazing swing, and little shelter area for my grandmother. Even as young as 5 years old, I knew I could jump on my bike, and find my grandmother enjoying her swing, each evening of the summer. I would show up, and get in the swing, with her, and we would either talk about my day, her day, or about nothing at all. We would plan shopping days, or we would talk about any upsets I may have had…we would eventually drift into her kitchen to break open store bought iced oatmeal cookies, and RC Colas in her icy frozen metal tumblers. She would call my mother to tell her I was at her house, and many times, I would just stay the night in their guest room.
Even into college, when I would be home on breaks, we continued our swinging rituals. Less frequently because I was working summer jobs, going out, and busy with life. But, every chance I got, I would go visit her.
My grandfather always just let us have our time. Personally, I feel it gave him an excuse to work on late night projects in his work shop without any interruptions.
Anyway…I thought about her, a lot, last night, as I was swinging, and about how without her knowing, she taught me how to wash off the day/ignore outside noise/solve problems, all with a spell of time in a swing.
It also reminded me of this market, and it’s constant, easy, flow…the friendships, the life stories that unfold with each customer visit, the music you all share with me, and just the general support and love that you give this market. It’s like a gentle evening, on a relaxing swing…
Thank you, for always being a part of this little market community. We realize that there are now 1,000 choices of food delivery services, and online food ordering services, but we appreciate that you still keep this little market in your hearts.
Here’s to Monday…remember that the market closes for ordering, tomorrow morning, at 8am…
And, hey…go find a swing…it’s good for your soul…also, dig into this Tom Petty tune…it’s one of my favorites…
Cosmic Pam
Love, Love, Love...
Nothing but love vibes…
Another amazing market, in the books…
Thank you, to each and every one of you for your constant support of the market, your kind words, and to all of the vintage pink glasses that were offered for my use!!!
You make me so very thankful to be a part of this market community!!
We open the market, again, for another week of amazing products, vendors, and customers!! I am in vacation mode, but will still be steering the ship!!
Cosmic Pam
Thursday Note!
Good morning, lovely market customers!
Just a quick reminder that today is your market order pick up, between 4pm-6pm!
If you need a Friday pick up, we are there between 10am-12pm, only!
And, if you need to pick up on Saturday, we are there from 10am-4pm!!
Please let me know if you are planning to pick up on the alternate days, and not this evening!
We welcome another round of new customers, this week!! Welcome to the market!! Pick up is easy!! You will just be pulling into the circular drive, and we bring your order to your car!
If paying by card, you can call me, ahead of time, with your card information!! I super helps the line if you are not giving me your card, in the pick up line!!
If paying by check, please make it out to Oakview Farm Meats, and if paying by cash, PLEASE have exact amounts, in a ziplock bag, with your name!!
Once again, we thank you for continuing this lovely outpour of support, each week, for our market!!
See you at pick up!!
Cosmic Pam
Hey, Hey Tuesday!!
Good morning!!
Here’s to hoping your day is bright, and your lovelight is shining sunbeams, wherever you may go!
Also, just your last call reminder to get your orders in for the week…we close for ordering at 8am!!
So many great vendors with great products, all under one roof/market/greenhouse…
Cosmic Pam
One More Monday Note!
Just a quick note to let you know that Madison Ling will be on vacation, next week, so get her gluten free goodness before she leaves for the week!!
Cosmic Pam
Monday, Monday!
Good evening, lovely market customers!
This is your Monday evening reminder that the market will be closing for weekly orders, tomorrow, at 8am! Don’t forget to get them in, or it will be another week before you get all of our market love!!
And, remember that this is Blue Jacket’s only week, this month, so get that cheese!!
And…your market manager will be in vacation mode, next week, so that I can dedicate the week to preparing for the big farm dinner…An Evening Of Farm Elegance, that takes place on June 18! So…get all of your Cosmic orders in, this week!!
Much love to you all…
Cosmic Pam
Pretty In Pink
Pretty in pink, isn’t she?
Pretty in pink, isn’t she?
(Psychedelic Furs)
Happy Sunday!! And, welcome to my trip down the 80s college/club days, to me, with my song lyric pick for the day.
My weekend has been full of both nostalgia, and of planning for the new. So, both of these thought processes are colliding into this old favorite song.
Nostalgia because on Friday evening, I attended a grad party, in the town I grew up in, for the daughter of one of my best friends from high school, in a location that used to be the site of many a high school party for all of us. Both on the up and up, and the down low…lol. She graduated from our high school, so it was just all very surreal to be back in that setting. I was an ’82 graduate, and this song was part of my summer soundtrack in those 80s summers.
And, well, the title, Pretty in Pink is lending itself to my now planning for the new, as I am heavy into planning for my daughter’s bridal shower. A champagne filled affair with nothing by blush and pink florals, settings, dishware. Petite food, flowers, and bubbly…and, me, on a mission to locate/buy/borrow vintage pink glassware for the bridal brunch. So, if any of you have any leads, give me a shout!! I’ve started collecting but need more…in pink. Or blush. Because it will all be pretty in pink. I also love that the event will be bursting in pink because we were both members of a sorority that was heavily steeped in pink as one of it’s colors.
AND..the color pink is my weblog theme, today, because I see that the Flourish girls have added their lovely peonies to the market, AND, ChrisMis Farms have added their chocolate mint to the market, looking like it has a pink hue to it!
So, that’s it…my world is awash in pinks, thoughts of pinks, looking at the world through rose colored glasses, and loving this market, and this little market community…
It’s a lovely day, the sun is streaming in, and it’s a great day for planning your market orders!
Stay in the pink, lovelies, and enjoy your day…
Cosmic Pam