The Weblog
The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:
Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!
Blue Jacket Dairy
It’s their week on the market!
Order for the month, this week only, in April!!
We Are Stardust
Said, “I’m going down to Yasgur’s Farm
Gonna join in a rock ‘n’ roll band
Got to get back to the land
Set my soul free”
We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion-year-old carbon
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden…
(Woodstock-written by Joni Mitchell)
Last weekend, I took a bit of downtime, after the market, Friday deliveries, and Saturday morning pick ups, and spent a day watching old music documentaries. I watched one with Crosby, Stills, and Nash, and watched them perform this song. The song was written by Joni, and performed by her. Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young gave it a whole other harmonious journey, from which Mitchell sung it so lovely, and melodic. I was thinking how everyone can give different types of loveliness to the same thing, making the end product such a lovely combination.
The verse I used, today, always sticks in my head as planting, and growing begins, each spring. It was fun to talk with so many of our market vendors who are passionate about their growing, and telling me when things would be making their way to the market. Growth. Passion. Beautiful vendors telling me their beautiful progress.
Everything combined to make the market and it’s customers the stardust.
Looking into the coming weeks, the market will see microgreens, early radishes, mixed lettuces, and spring garlic!!! And, asparagus season will be rolling in with Beth and her asparagus!! We will see plant starts being offered, and so many other selections as we journey into the season.
Just a reminder that I have put all Cosmic Charlie, and Hippie and the Farmer products, on hold, for the next two weeks!!! I am taking a personal week, this coming week, but will be working at market pick up. I then leave early Friday morning for Florida, and will be gone that next week, returning on Thursday evening of the 22nd. I will continue to run the market, while on vacation, behind the scenes, and all of my products will go live, again, on the 24th!!
AND…last week’s Cosmic trivia questions winners were…
Ruth Ozimek
Dena Munday
With both of them answering, correctly, my birthday…April 27!!
Now, go, order, be the market stardust…
Cosmic Pam
Thank You!
As always, it was a pleasure to see each of you, this evening, at market pick up!
Your support means the world!
The market reopens for the week!
Cosmic Pam
Thursday Love
Good morning, lovely market customers!
Just a quick reminder that today is your market order pick up, between 4pm-6pm!
If you need a Friday pick up, we are there between 10am-12pm, only!
And, if you need to pick up on Saturday, we are there from 10am-4pm!!
Please let me know if you are planning to pick up on the alternate days, and not this evening!
We welcome another round of new customers, this week!! Welcome to the market!! Pick up is easy!! You will just be pulling into the circular drive, and we bring your order to your car!
If paying by card, you can call me, ahead of time, with your card information!! I super helps the line if you are not giving me your card, in the pick up line!!
If paying by check, please make it out to Oakview Farm Meats, and if paying by cash, PLEASE have exact amounts, in a ziplock bag, with your name!!
In the event of rain, this evening…and, hey…it’s Thursday, we usually have some sort of weather blow in at pick up, please also put your check in a ziplock bag, to keep it dry, while I am getting your orders into your cars!!
Once again, we thank you for continuing this lovely outpour of support, each week, for our market!!
See you at pick up!!
Cosmic Pam
Tuesday Love Note
Let this be your reminder that the market will be closing at 8am, this morning!!
Still time to get those orders in…just like your market manager who forgot, until now, to get her own orders in!!
You don’t want to miss out on all of the great products we have to offer!!
Cosmic Pam
April Come She Will
April, come she will
When streams are ripe and swelled with rain…
(Simon & Garfunkel)
One of my favorite songs, ushering in my favorite month of the year.
April…crossing the bridge into the new season. Growth begins, green begins, sun is now warming, the promise of budding trees, early flowers peeking up, and our moods become lifted, hopeful, full of lightness.
The market always seems to embrace each season, but April…April begins to see more and more freshness, early produce, lightness, and the bridge for a summer to come, full of the season’s best.
The girls of Flourish are getting ready to begin listing early floral offerings, microgreens will be here, in few weeks with Kingdom Fish, early plant starts will be coming via Gourmet Fibers, and Hippie and the Farmer will even be offering early tomato and pepper starts, in the coming weeks.
April…a time for celebration.
And, one more reason to celebrate in April? It’s your market manager’s birthday month!!
Leading me into this week’s Cosmic Trivia question…
What is the date of my April birthday?
Throw me your answers!!
And…as a side note…I will be off the market, for two weeks, after this week. So, if you are ordering Cosmic loveliness, or Hippie and the Farmer pizzas, you need to do it, this week!!
I’m finally feeling a bit more comfortable to travel, safely. So, I will be heading to Florida to finally see my daughter’s newly built house, and to spend time in the sun, at her pool, and taking advantage of some downtime before May comes crashing in!
Cosmic Pam
Another Round Of Love!
Thank you, once again, for showing this market so much love!
It was lovely to chat with each of you, this evening, at pick up, and I hope you each have the loveliest of Easter weekends!
The market is open, and I am excited to welcome new products from the Old Souls Farm productions!
They have put their Wholly Rollies peanut butter frozen protein balls on the market! Get excited!!
Your market manager is now headed off to dreamland, but wanted to thank each of you, one more time
Cosmic Pam
Happy Thursday!!
Just a quick reminder that if you placed an order, this week, tonight is your pick up night!!
If you need to pick up, tomorrow, you can make arrangements to do so! That pick up is between 10am-12pm!
Or, you can pick up on Saturday, 10am-4pm!
Thank you for always supporting this very lovely market!!
Cosmic Pam
Tuesday Love Note
Good morning!!
Just your Tuesday dose of love to remind you that the market closes, this morning, at 8am!!
If you have not yet placed your orders, you still have time!!
Also…the winners of this week’s Cosmic Trivia were…
Michelle Poston-Peters AND
Dena Munday!!
They both sent answers at the same time with the winning answer being Cosmic Basil Bread!!
Winners…please get your Cosmic selection to me, before tomorrow morning!!
Cosmic Pam
Can't You See
I’m gonna take a freight train
Down at the station, Lord
I don’t care where it goes…
(The Marshall Tucker Band)
Hello, just your market manager enjoying this lovely sunshine day, blasting her music, and soaking up all that life has to offer.
But, for one moment…this song, for me, is spring. Just full of good times, rock and roll, and ready for action.
This market is all of those things, as well. You can tell that spring is in the air, customers are venturing out after the winter. I feel a sense of freedom. I feel good times on the horizon. I feel the music moving me.
I just wanted to remind you that the market will close, tomorrow morning, at 8am. This is your market to get all of your Easter prep ready!!
And, in the coming weeks, we will see your favorite Kingdom Fish start to also offer their microgreens!! And, they are working on other plantings, just for you!!
Our favorite alpaca farmer is also planting/growing, and will have his own fresh produce to offer, and I have also asked him to think about offering plant starts for all of you so you can begin your own gardens!!
The market, itself, is ready to take off in an extended direction, to kick off our anniversary month of 10 years, in May, and your Hippie manager is also going to launch a little fun side project for you all to enjoy!!
The greenhouse expansion is coming along so nicely, and painting is next on the agenda!! It’s already being rented out for events, this season, and that makes me so happy!
This market has it all…and, more!!
We’ve got that real local love, that real local trust, and that real local vibe!! Keeping it real, just for you!!
Now…go, order, and don’t miss out on this week’s fun!!
Can’t you see, what you all mean to me?
Cosmic Pam