The Weblog
The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:
Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!
Tomorrow's Time Slots
We had a record amount of customers, this week!! Over 100!!
So…last night, I stayed up late to run reports, give out last week’s credits for the lettuce, and divide the names into time slots.
It’s going to be a full house!!
I ask everyone to pull forward, as far as possible to where I will greet you, under the awning, and near the courtyard.
There are an amazing amount of plants and florals which will be set up in the courtyard, with a market helper, bringing those to your car, as well!
As soon as you are loaded with your market items, you may go ahead and exit! We do ask that if you need to get out of your car to go into the shop, please pull out of the mainstream of traffic.
I have strategically placed the same numbers into each time slot, so if at all possible, pay attention to your times!
Let me know if you would like to be Friday delivery!
Ok…I am off to bake the day away, and look forward to seeing all you, tomorrow!
Cosmic Pam
Rock On
Rock on, ooh my soul
Hey, kids, you boogey, too, did ya?
Hey shout, summertime blues
Jump up and down in my blue suede shoes
Hey, did you rock and roll, rock on
And where do we go from here?
(Rock On-David Essex)
Good morning, and welcome to your 70’s flashback of song tunes, this morning…
But, really, I am totally shouting, and rockin’ on over last night’s market closing!
You rocked, you rolled, and we closed out the week not only shattering our highest record of two weeks ago, but also making it look like child’s play!
My love for you is strong, my gratitude, immense, and from myself, your co-market manager, and our vendors…we thank you, so very much!!
I am getting ready to send a separate email with tomorrow’s time slots!
If you would like to be a Friday pick up, please let me know, if you did not already specify!
Also…if you are paying by card, and I do not already have your information, you can call me, today, with that!! It does help us, so much, not to have to take time to run a card through the pick up line, but also understand if you are not comfortable with that! Just expect a bit of wait, while running the cards!
Checks made out to Oakview Farm Meats, are perfect! Cash, in ziplock bags with your names…excellent!! Again, if we need to stop and make change…time slog…but, again, we understand!
The market will only continue to grow with product, and we look forward to bring it all to you, each and every week…
Rock On, babes…you are the best!
Cosmic Pam
Last Week's Market Credits
I just went through, and deducted all of the charges for the lettuces, and credited your final account balance.
This system had me do an extra step, to get to that point, but the final reports, on my end, show the correct deductions to all who should be receiving them.
If you have any questions, or need to know the amount due, please feel free to email me.
Hoping it all made sense!
You say you want a revolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world…
(The Beatles)
Well, market lovelies…we are doing it, each and every week…starting our own local scene, local food revolution.
Last night, I watched as the orders continued to come in, and watched as we shattered our highest record of two weeks ago.
Your market managers are so proud to be your ever humble band leaders in this whole local food revolution, evolving the scene, forevermore…and, our vendors, my gosh, those vendors, you can’t lead a rock star band without the stars, and let me tell you…rock stars, they are.
So, we are open for orders until 10pm, this evening!
How high can we get, today?
Rock on, babes…rock, on…
Cosmic Pam
Asparagus Monday!
Just a quick note that it’s that time of year!!
It’s asparagus time!! That sweet time of spring, that doesn’t last very long, but while it does…it’s sweet, sweet, sweet!
Beth’s asparagus, from Harrigan’s Harvest, is back with us!!!
Get it while you can, because again, it’s a spring time delicacy!!
Cosmic Pam
Morning Song
Cause even though I know there’s hope in
Every morning song
I have to find that melody alone…
(The Avett Brothers)
One of my favorite lyrics, and easy Sunday morning music…
I love Sundays because I can take the day, all to myself, and either get lost in nothingness, regroup for the coming week of another crazy market week of bringing local to the masses, recharging from being ‘on’, all week, or I can organize my life so that when I step back into the trenches, on Tuesdays, I am not a chaotic mess.
This week was an emotional one, for me. Nothing bad. All very good, in fact, but even good emotional weeks will bring me to tear up, and have a good cry, and embrace all that is around me. Our market is now family to so many customers, and your emails, and texts, and then the loveliest of donations, to our market this weekend, have had me all an emotional mess.
The loveliness side of the pandemic is what I have been a part of. And, I don’t mean to imply that there is a lovely side, but being able to see all of your smiling faces, knowing that we are sending you on your way with local love, local goodness, well… it moves me, it grooves me, and I hope that all of you, the customers, market family in both customers, and vendors, can feel that lovely bond that has happened.
Here’s to Sunday, babes…find your melody…
One more lovely thought…next Sunday is Mother’s Day. I know that we cannot celebrate in the way we all normally would, but think about things from the market, to brighten her day. Even gift her with a box of lovely foods for her week…
And…we have a new vendor, Doug Hall, of the Airport Café. He brings us his homegrown rhubarb, and he is going to offer a few pies that are not already being offered by our other pie bakers…
The local network…the real morning song.
Cosmic Pam
That's The Way
And yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers…
(That’s The Way-Led Zeppelin)
Beautiful lyric to a beautiful song to start your lovely Saturday morning…
The market is so on fire, already, with your love, and your orders, and your excitement…just as the season is about to spring into action, we are here, making it all happen for you!
Just like all of the songs, lyrics, and artists that I find inspiration in, I find that same inspiration in you, the customers, the market, and it’s vendors. I’ve always called this collection of vendors, Rock Stars…The Rock Stars Of Local. Our own band of local greatness, singing to your souls…
The market has taken off, once again, quite quickly, and is open until Tuesday evening. Won’t you join in on the local scene?
Cosmic Pam
Rivers and Roads
Been talking ’bout the way things change…
(Rivers and Roads-The Head and the Heart)
The song that I chose for this dreary Friday, while I wake up with coffee, and readying for another day of baking, is a song that is just so beautiful, and speaks so much about these times…just missing things, people, places…rivers and roads…
Anyway, thank you for all of your kind emails, last night. They warmed my soul.
And, the orders already pouring in are amazing! This market loves you! We are seeing the gift of life in the market with all of the live plant offerings, flowers, beauty…
Our vendors go above and beyond, and my outpouring of love, goes out to them, always.
Old Souls contacted me, early this morning, and will be reaching out to yesterday’s customers. Again…the love for them, is great.
I will see all of you who are picking up, today, at the greenhouse, between 10am-noon. Please, call me, 937-926-4833, when you arrive, and I will head to the greenhouse, to grab your order, and bring it out to you.
With news of now extending the stay at home, the delay of some businesses, reopening, and the general concern for health, happiness, and safety, we are so very, very, very glad to bring all of that, to you, each and every week.
Go, enjoy your day, turn on some music, and be kind to yourselves…
Cosmic Pam
The Pretender
And when the evening rolls around
I’ll go on home and lay my body down
And when the morning light comes streaming in
I’ll get up and do it again…
(Jackson Browne-The Pretender)
Jackson Browne…one of my favorites. A market customer suggested this song, and this lyric for a market reopening song, after the long evening of running to and fro with market orders…I think it’s pretty perfect…
Now…tonight…well, there are nights, and there are nights. Once again we had the winds, but now mixed with sleety rain, and cold temps. Even clothed in my warm rain boots, hat, Sherpa poncho, I was freezing!!
But, you, the customers, with your kind words, smiles, waves…you make it all worth while.
I love that we are able to bring you the loveliest of local, but I dislike it, so much, when some things don’t go as they should.
Let’s start with the lettuces and basil…yes, the delivery did not happen until the market was concluding, customers were sent away, me apologizing, taking the extra time to refund money, credit accounts, try to work out if a delivery, over the weekend would be possible, but not knowing where the driver was, because there was no communication. It’s hard, at times, to depend on things beyond your control. So, to the first part of the alphabet, I had to make a decision in the second time slot, as I was explaining to upset customers about no lettuce, that we would just credit all cards that we have on file, and if you had paid with cash or check, we will just credit your market, for next week or next time you order. Tough call, tough explaining, and tough waiting, and not knowing.
Second…there may be times, especially in these very trying times, that the meat supply may need to play catch up with the demand. This is not a farmer’s fault. They are all in this, together, and the sudden demand is pushing them to have to wait, and wait, and wait to get worked into all of the processing places. It’s not the farmer’s fault. We are in very serious times, seeing things that we have never had to deal with, before. Some weeks, there may not be the supply, but in the following weeks, there will be. They are all waiting, watching, and worrying, and bring us all that they can. Let’s all be patient, and applaud all of the hard work that they, and all local producers are enduring, right now….
Ok…other than that, the market was lovely, your market manager is still thawing out with wine, music, and blankets…
And, oh, the loveliness of one customer offering the gift of wine…how very super nice, and sweet…you all just make me cry, at times…
We begin with a new slate, this evening, the market reopens for the weekly ordering, and I am headed to dreamland…
Also, please remember that when you order, you need to make sure you hit the Pay Later button, and make sure you get an order confirmation…
Much love to you…
Cosmic Pam
Time, Time, Time
Look what’s become of me????????????
(Hazy Shade Of Winter-Simon and Garfunkel)
Time is getting away from me, and I need to get you the time slots for tomorrow’s pickup!
You can be a Friday pickup, by letting me know, 10am-12pm, at the greenhouse!
Prepayments by calling me if you don’t already have your card on file with us!
Checks made out to Oakview Farm Meats!
Exact change, in a ziplock bag, with your name!
Thank you for making this another amazing week of sales!!
See you, tomorrow!
Cosmic Pam