The Weblog
The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:
Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!
Seven Day Weekend
Monday`s calling you too early when you`re sound asleep
Bells are ringing by your bedside and out in the street
Usually Monday`s long enough, but this is just the start
Tuesday`s just the same as Monday without the surprising part…
(Seven Day Weekend-Elvis Costello/Jimmy Cliff)
Yes, my market friends…it’s that magical day of the week! The one we dread, the one we work through, and at the end, are happy to be moving on!
As for yours truly, I am heading out the door at this early hour, to make a meeting! What is calling you on this Monday?
How about letting our market be your Monday calling…get your thoughts and lists, together, to get those orders in! I promise…once your market shopping is done, you can go ahead and either ease into this Monday, or blast into it!
Throw us some Monday love! We will love you back!
Cosmic Pam
World Without Tears
If we lived in a world without tears
How would misery know
Which back door to walk through
How would trouble know
Which mind to live inside of
How would sorrow find a home…
(World Without Tears-Lucinda Williams)
Because your market manager has been awake, super early, on this Saturday morning, armed with coffee, and bluesy music on the Cowboy Junkies Pandora station, with this lovely tune from Lucinda Williams.
To be honest, I’ve been on a Lucinda kick ever since, well, first off, your Hippie leader joined a spin class/indoor cycling class at the YMCA. I am in Paul’s class, so, if you want to see the Hippie cycle to Paul’s coaching, join the class!! You already know us from Thursday evenings!! Anyway…Paul plays the most kick ass playlists during class. And, he turns the class into a Name That Tune/Artist, while you are cycling yourself into oblivion! It’s fun, it keeps your mind not only on the movement, but on the music, the rhythm, and everything just all connects.
So much like this market…all of the parts of the market, come together, to make it all work! The vendors, the customers, the staff of the Y, the products…and, as your fearless leader, I hope through my years of bringing you tune after tune, I help to keep the beat of the market strong!
Anyway…one of his selections, the other day, was a Lucinda tune, and now I cannot quit listening to her!
The market is rockin’, new products were added, and it’s a great time to groove with us!
Cosmic Pam
This Will Be Our Year
The warmth of your love
Is like the warmth of the sun
And this will be our year
Took a long time to come…
(This Will Be Our Year-The Zombies)
Catchy little tune to usher in the first market of 2019!! And, may I add a very heartfelt Happy New Year, and, a belated Merry Christmas! Hoping everyone had a lovely holiday!
Your market manager had the most lovely of holidays, and spent the day, today, taking down all of the twinkling lights cleaned off the dust, and made the house all anew, and ready to face what should be a very fascinating year!
So, with that all said, let’s get this first party of the year started!!
The vendors are all excited to be live, again, as well as your market managers! I am opening the market for ordering, tonight, but maybe keep checking back over the next two days, as vendors add product, but were just too hazed out in holiday mode to get it all done. And, by vendors, I mean me, your market manager…lol.
I will have all of my Hippie and the Farmer listings updated, and new product added, in the morning!!
What can I say? It’s been a long, long time since I let weeks stretch out, in front of me, with nothing calling my name…
Ok…go, order, check back tomorrow, keep showing us the love that you showed us for most of 2018!!
This Will Be Our Year!
Cosmic Pam
And, To All, A Good Night...
Well, can you believe it? Another year almost gone, a new one almost ready to begin.
We would like to thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being a part of this market family!!
We saw this year bring us a bigger, stronger, more varied market, and in turn, you gave us a bigger, stronger love!!
Thank you to all customers, vendors, staff of the YMCA…you make this market what it is!! And, there is more to come…just wait for 2019!!
So, I am slipping away, for a much needed break from baking, event making, and all things that I do.
I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a very magical entrance into the New Year. What will this new year bring to all of us? Only time will tell…
We will see you, when I reopen the market, on January 3rd, for your ordering pleasure. We will see you, at the first market pick up, of 2019, on January 10th!
And, now…your very tired market manager would like to bid you all a good night, and sweet dreams into the holiday magic…
See you soon…
Cosmic Pam
Keeper of the new year’s dreams…
Big Day!
When you are picking up your orders, today, it’s a big day for Mark, your other market manager!
It’s his birthday, so why not give him a huge dose of birthday greetings?
I’m sure he will love it!
Chairman of Cheer!
Also…don’t forget the flash market!
Flash Market!
Just letting you know that some of the vendors will be set up, in the lobby, of the YMCA, tomorrow evening, during our market pick up hours of 4:30-6pm, with super cool last minute local gifts to grab!!
Bring some extra cash for shopping, or, if you missed the ordering, you can still swing by, and check out the fun!
Kimmy Shark will be there, with fun gifts for your furry friends, and Oakview Farm Meats will be there with local products like Bad Seed Mustard, Mad Sweet Heat, and DB Yummers BBQ sauce…and, to make it even more fun, he is bringing along baskets, to help you fill them with the various products of your choice!
These are just two of the vendors…so, why not come out for our Flash Market?
Cosmic Pam
Last Call for 2018!
Don’t miss the party!! If you miss ordering, you will miss your favorite market managers wishing you a happy holiday, and passing out candy canes to our lovely market customers!!
8am is when we close the ordering, this morning…
Cosmic Pam
Keeper of the Candy Canes
The Christmas Waltz
“Merry Christmas
May your new year’s dreams come true”
And this song of mine
In three-quarter time
Wishes you and yours
The same thing, too…
(The Christmas Waltz-She & Him)
Happy Monday…the last Monday before the holiday Monday hits. The last Monday that we will be open in 2018. But, still plenty of time for you to get your orders in.
The market is going crazy for this holiday ordering, and we don’t want you to miss out, and have to wait until January to get all that this market has to offer!! Remember, Wednesday is the closing morning…make those lists, and check them twice!
Cosmic Pam
Holiday Haze
Just in from Kennedy Farms! Lip balms, body balms, and gift bundles!!
Holiday haze, daze, and craze!
Make it all happen, right here!
Cosmic Pam
It’s That Time!
Another market week!!
And, the last one before we take a holiday break!!
Don’t miss out on all that we have to offer, to make your holidays bright!!
Cosmic Pam