The Weblog
The local foods movement is alive and well in Champaign County! Here are some updates on other projects while we finalize our virtual market:
Local Producers Map:
Our local producers map is ready for publication and you will soon be able to find it on Copies will be distributed around the community, in the local telephone book, and other “hangouts”. The guide lists the location and contact information for nearly 50 local producers within our county. The map was a project of the Local Food Council and printed with the help of some local sponsors including the Monument Square District, Champaign Bank, the Community Improvement Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and others. It is a great start to finding a local source for Champaign County’s finest!
The Last Minutes
Good morning, little local market of love customers!
That weather!! What a strange mixed bag of tricks!!
I know that it’s on everyone’s minds, trying to get to work, trying to hustle the kids around, but we have 15 minutes left of the market for the week…
Just in case we can help you out of this weather jam, this morning…
Cosmic Pam
Sweet Tuesday Morning
Sweet Tuesday morning
You came and you smiled…
(Sweet Tuesday Morning-Badfinger)
Here we are…a sunshine filled morning, and another day to get your orders in!
Our market offers so much, now, that you truly can do all of your healthy, nutritional shopping with us, before you need to hit the big box stores!!
And, why not spend your hard earned money on our good food, hand made items, locally grown, locally produced, products of love?? Small communities thrive on all of us shopping as local as possible. And, we work hard, here at this little local market, to bring you an array of products, year round, to not only help our market thrive, but to help the community thrive.
We take pride in all that we offer our customers…and we take pride in being the umbrella to the in season markets, in this little local community.
Basically, we are the Lovelight of the markets…shining bright, each week, all year, ready to take you into your week…
Sweet Tuesday Morning to you all…
Cosmic Pam
Monday Morning Blues
Did Monday hit you like a ton of bricks? I know that I get so involved in the cocoon of my weekends, that by the time I am blissfully enjoy Sunday evening, the Monday alarm blasts me right back on the fast track…
Why not make your Monday, colorful, instead of blue? Get your orders in, and feel good about all of the colorful products, all of the rich and vibrant offerings, all of this local goodness you will be receiving, on Thursday!
You can order at your ease, from anywhere, and you can take the blah out of the day, to punch it up with market love…
Cosmic Pam
Rooms On Fire
Well there is magic all around you, if I do say so myself…
(Rooms On Fird-Stevie Nicks)
This market is always on fire, and the magic that it is, comes solely from our beautiful, lovely market customers.
Thursday, I was having one of those days. The kind where the universe is off. Every turn came something odd, or an obstacle, and with each turn, my mood was taking a dive. By the time I got to the market, I wanted to just dissolve into a dark cloud of nothingness. I was over it all.
But, with each customer, each laugh, I felt a bit more cheered. A bit more like myself.
And, then, as I was sitting there, talking market strategy with your other market manager, we got a surprise delivery from our insurance agent, herself. Erin Patton State Farm Agent delivered us the most beautiful Valentine basket!! It was such an amazing gesture, and it was the magic needed, to put me back on my dancing way.
I was so blown away by her kindness, and I started to think that it’s exactly the type of kindness, neighborly love that I hope you get from this little local market of love.
It takes all of us, and all of our love and kindness, to make this market go round, which makes the community go round, which makes the world go round…
Go sprinkle your own brand of magic around. Set your own rooms on fire with kindness…and, while you are doing that, let’s all set the market on fire with the love of the weekly orders…
Cosmic Pam
Silly Love Songs
You’d think that people would have had enough of silly love songs
I look around me and I see it isn’t so
Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs
And what’s wrong with that
I’d like to know…
(Silly Love Songs-Wings)
I hope that everyone is having a love filled day, in one way or another!
While you are celebrating the love, I am opening the market for the week!
We welcome you back, silly love songs, and all!
Cosmic Pam
Last Call
Hey, now! It’s Wednesday, and that means the market will be closing at 8am!
See you on the flip side!
Cosmic Pam
The Rain Song
This is the mystery of the quotient, quotient
Upon us all, upon us all a little rain must fall
Just a little rain, oh
Ooh, yeah-yeah-yeah…
(The Rain Song-Led Zeppelin)
We’ve got the rain, that’s for sure…but like the lyric, a little rain must fall…
To make the most of this rainy day, and the last day of this market, why not take some time to order for the week! The market will be closing, tomorrow morning, at 8am, and you don’t want tears, falling like raindrops, when you miss the deadline.
Also, I am aware that market pick up falls on Valentine’s Eve…but just swing by, early, grab your order, and then head out to grab your sweetie. Or group of pals. Or your dog, cat, whoever is the love in your life…but, make us your first love…
Cosmic Pam
Monday Mania!
It’s Monday, again, and I am sure it’s the usual maniac, mentally exhausting, mania that usually accompanies a Monday.
When, suddenly, you are lulled out of that blissful weekend cocoon of no worries, no phone calls, no emails, and maybe even secret Netflix binging…oh, wait, maybe that’s my Sunday…shhhhhh. Anyway, you know the feeling. The morning hits you like a ton of bricks, and you are off and running.
Let us do your legwork, while you take care of the rest. Throw us your orders, and before you know it, the weekend cocoon will be back…your week just got easier, and you can thank me, always…
Cosmic Pam
Wish You Were Here
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail…
(Wish You Were Here-Pink Floyd)
It’s dreary, I’m in one of those lazy Sunday hazes, and I’ve got acoustic Pink Floyd in the background.
Snow is predicted, and I’m all about just staying in, getting my market orders in, and not worrying about the rest of the week, or my weekly food. I love how easy this market makes the week!
If you are feeling as lazy as I feel, today, why not just lazily put in your order? We’ve been doing the food pick up gig way before the big box places started. And, there is no additional fee to use our market. And, you get the smiles and humor of your market managers, all while grabbing the local goodness, and keeping your hard earned money in our lovely local economy. Everyone wins from producer to consumer to the community to the local economy.
All that, just to say…wish you were here, if you have not already placed your order for the week…
Cosmic Pam
True Colors
But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow…
(True Colors-Cyndi Lauper)
I couldn’t think of better song or lyric to talk about the new additions to our market products!
Our market artist vendor, Art By Adair, has added hand painted market bags to our bag of tricks!! They are ADORABLE!!
And, in my mind, I am seeing all of these different colored designs, coming and going to our market, or on any of your daily travels. Then, everyone will see you, be so envious, and then you can tell them all about our online market, the beauty of supporting local, and that by buying a bag, supports the local arts, as well! Then, they will be so excited that they will want to order a bag, and all the market products to put in the bag!!
So…go ahead…get a colorful bag, get all of the other market products that you need, and by doing so, you are showing the colorful vibe of our little local market of love…
Cosmic Pam